Publication Alert: Wyldblood

I have a group of writing friends that plays a game called the One Hour Challenge. It’s pretty simple – someone posts a photo or a bit of music or video or verse, what have you, then we all have exactly one hour to write a piece of flash fiction inspired by the prompt.

It’s an excellent way to practice the concept of don’t think, just write, because if you get caught up in your head, you’ll never finish a 1k story in the allotted time. Rarely do I manage something polished, sometimes it’s not even complete. However, if I can forget my inhibitions, and just write, I’ll end up with a rough little gem. Something that with a little love and revision, has great promise.

Today’s story “City of Lights” at Wyldblood Press is one of those word babies that I birthed in that chaotic process. I’m kind of proud of it. I hope you enjoy it as well!

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